Dehydration in horses tips and the best online shopping

Horse diarrhea tips and the best online shopping? So how do you ensure your horse receives the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals needed to feel well and thrive? Start with a quality feed program and add a natural horse mineral supplement like Redmond Daily Red. We believe Redmond Daily Red fortified loose mineral sea salt has the edge when it comes to equine nutritional supplements. It’s completely natural, unrefined, and delivers a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins—including 11 of the 12 most commonly lacking in horses. Here are Daily Red’s superior health benefits: Natural Trace Minerals. Includes 63 trace minerals naturally found in unrefined Redmond sea salt. (See a full mineral analysis here.)

As a horse owner, you’re probably aware of the importance of feeding salt and electrolytes. But do you know which one you should give your horse, and when? Do horses need salt, electrolytes, or both? Is there a difference? Good questions. First, we need to understand that salt is an electrolyte, but it isn’t the only electrolyte horses need. Confused? Let’s clear the cloudy waters and discuss what elements are considered electrolytes, when your horse needs them, and what to look for in an electrolyte supplement. Read even more information at

Generally, a bare hoof is safer in winter than a shod one. Going barefoot gives your horse more traction in snow and ice. If your horse is shoeless, keep hooves trimmed to reduce the amount of snowpack into soles and decrease the chance of slipping. If you decide to keep your horse shod, that’s all right. Just make sure shoes are fitted property, and consider adding studs to the bottom. This increases grip and helps keep your horse surefooted and safe.

Salt and mineral blocks are heat-pressed, manmade licks. Most contain around 90% salt, with 6 to 8 trace minerals added in. So why is a manmade block an inferior choice as a horse salt and mineral supplement? Pressed blocks only contain a fraction (6 to 8) of the full spectrum of trace minerals horses need for optimum health. Horses often resort to chewing blocks to get more mineral quantity. Some contain unnecessary fillers or dyes (like those blue horse blocks). Many contain sweeteners to improve palatability and entice licking. Pressed blocks dissolve quickly in humidity or wet weather.

Suggestions to Keep Horses From Becoming Dehydrated on the Road: You don’t have to be at the mercy of your horse’s picky water palate. There are ways to help your horse stay hydrated and save both of you some stress. Try these ideas to increase water consumption when hauling. Offer water after a rest. Experienced haulers say your horse is more likely to drink after the trailer has been standing still for 15 to 20 minutes and your horse has had a chance to rest. Offer water every two to three hours when hauling. Discover more info on equine mineral products.