Muscle relaxation massage advantages for a fine health

Fitness massage advantages for a fine health? Chronic Pain Relief. Many people with chronic pain often turn to massage therapy to help improve their quality of life in a natural way. Massages can increase a person’s serotonin level, which causes the body to reduce pain naturally.

Trigger Point Massage. Trigger point massage uses broad, flowing strokes that are gentle and relaxing combined with stronger, deeper pressure areas of tightness in the muscle tissues, known as trigger points.

A therapist will use less pressure during a Swedish massage compared with other types of massage. In a Swedish massage, the therapist will use less pressure than they would in other types of massage, such as deep tissue or sports massage. They will combine shorter, tapping strokes and longer, deeper strokes using light to moderate pressure. They may also move the person’s limbs around during the massage. Swedish massage can help relieve pain, stress, and muscle problems. A systematic review from 2017 found that Swedish massage has a range of benefits, including reducing lower back pain. However, this technique may not be helpful for everyone. For example, one study found that Swedish massage therapy did not help those with fibromyalgia when compared with other types of massage. Read extra details at

Physical Touch Eases Discomfort. Many patients who enter hospice care are already in a fragile, vulnerable state where traditional massage therapy is no longer called for. At this point, something as simple as gentle touch — a foot massage or massaging the scalp — is the most compassionate thing a caregiver can offer. It provides the patient with an opportunity to relax in whatever way they need most.

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