Individual counseling therapy clinic in Portland, ME

Drug addiction therapist services in Gorham, ME? Drug addiction is a chronic disease that changes the brain circuits, including those responsible for governing self-control and other behaviors. Alcoholism is when you have trouble controlling your drinking, you are preoccupied with alcohol, you continue to use alcohol even when it causes problems in your life (job, relationships, health, etc.), you have to drink more to get the same effect, or you have withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that should receive medical attention. Yet, only approximately 10 to 20 percent of persons experiencing alcohol withdrawal receive treatment according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Regardless of the reasons for why people neglect to enter treatment, it is crucial to sobriety. So, if you find yourself lamenting over lost relationships, money, or jobs due to alcoholism, or even if you think that maybe you drink too much, detox might be a good option for you. Here are some tips to get clean and sober and complete alcohol detoxification successfully.

While Adderall is prescribed for individuals living with ADHD, abuse commonly occurs amongst college students. Students use the drug to stay awake and focus on finishing assignments. The drug is widely passed around on college campuses. Students sometimes refer to Adderall as a “study drug,” and there’s a common misconception that the drug will allow students to gain knowledge and receive better grades. Adderall can be dangerous to a person’s health on its own, and when it is combined with other drugs, the side effects can be compounded and unpredictable. Some common combinations include Adderall with: alcohol, marijuana, and Xanax. Find extra details at Drug addiction therapy Gorham, Maine.

Drug addiction is a chemical dependency on a substance, such as prescription or illicit drugs. Men, women, and children can suffer from this condition. Addiction can develop quickly or can take years to occur. In all cases, treatment is necessary. In 2016, 63,632 Americans died from drug overdoses. Of those, 66 percent were from the use of illicit opioids and prescription drugs. Overdoses impacted people over the age of 15 of all races and ethnicities and across all urban demographics, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding what drug addiction is will help you to get the support you need or give you guidance on how to help a loved one. FHE Health provides confidential, safe treatment programs for all forms of addiction.

Nothing can replace the value of water. The body requires it to function. When you’re dehydrated, you can experience irritability, fatigue and confusion. Some people mistake symptoms of dehydration for symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Water is important, but individuals should also consume beverages that contain electrolytes. Electrolytes are vital nutrients, including calcium, potassium and sodium. Alcohol intoxication and withdrawal can create electrolyte imbalances, which causes side effects such as muscle spasms, numbness and seizures. A healthy diet includes eating foods that contain the proper balance of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. These nutrients help the brain and other organs function. If a person is malnourished, the body doesn’t have the energy it needs to recover from alcohol dependence.

Family and/or Group counseling may be an alternative or supplement to individual counseling. It may be the best option for Individuals who are coping with Family issues, relationship or interpersonal concerns; however, it may also be appropriate for others who are dealing with issues such as depression or anxiety. The opportunity to meet with other people can provide you with peer support as you learn ways to cope. Drug addiction is a chronic disease that changes the brain circuits, including those responsible for governing self-control and other behaviors. Quitting drugs, even with the best intentions and strongest will is very difficult, since drugs change the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse. See more info at