Top status income tax firms in Houston

Tax services tricks plus providers? You probably know your Social Security number, but do you know the Social Security number of each dependent you claim? You’ll want to jot those down, along with any other information your tax preparer is likely to need. For example, if you own a vacation home or rental property, note their addresses. If you sold a property in the past year, note the dates you bought and sold, the amount you originally paid, and how much you received from the sale.

That might not seem like an advantage, but it is. Any income earned on the money in your Roth IRA is also tax free. You can even roll over the money in a traditional IRA or a 401(k) into a Roth IRA and reap the same benefits. Some of the best times to do a Roth IRA conversion are when you’ve had a year with less income than the previous year, or when you’ve retired and are temporarily in a lower tax bracket. This strategy makes sense if you can wait until the age of 70 ½ to make mandatory withdrawals. We like to suggestion this option to our clients because it’s easy to overlook, especially when people are focused on tax deductions as a way of reducing their taxable income.

Businesses can take tax write-offs on purchases of business equipment, machinery, vehicles, and sometimes even real estate. These write-offs can sometimes be taken in the first year you own and use the equipment. The two most common types of this accelerated depreciation are Section 179 deductions and bonus depreciation. Section 179 deductions allow you to immediately deduct the costs of certain assets when you put the assets in service. The maximum deduction was increased to $1 million in 2018 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Equipment, machinery, and certain real estate purchases can qualify. Discover more information at

Carving out a few minutes every January to make sure you’re making things easy for your accountant can help reduce the risk of a mistake come April or an audit later. But we recommend talking to your tax accountant more often than twice a year. In fact, we recommend chatting regularly — even monthly. You’ll have a better handle on your business and can plan for any tax law changes. Recording income and expenses in real-time allows you and your accountant to catch any mistakes early. And your accountant will know your business better and be more empowered to offer proactive, consultative advice. According to the OnPay 2019 Small Business Finance and HR Report, small business owners who have a strong relationship with their accountant are 32% more likely to expect a significant increase in revenue over the next year.