Top rated beauty products money saving suggestions

Premium beauty products money saving strategies? We have a guide with all the info you need about your consumer rights, but in summary, you should never rely on a refund. So, to avoid wasting money on makeup that you won’t use, you should always make sure a product is right for you before you buy. If you change your mind about a new makeup product you’ve bought, but you’re unable to get a refund, your best bet is to try and sell it to make your money back. Sites like Depop are great for this, as you can literally take a few photos of the product on your phone, upload them to your profile and sell your makeup in minutes. Just make sure you’re completely honest in the description about whether the cosmetics have been used at all, and make sure the price reflects this. Find extra details at

If you want to wear makeup to a special event, but you don’t want to have to purchase it, go to a beauty school and let one of the students do your makeup. This works well for students going to prom or for a bride’s wedding makeup. This benefits both parties because you receive a free or inexpensive makeover, and the beauty student gets some practice. If you break an eye shadow kit or crack the lid of a compact, you don’t have to throw the product away. Instead, scrape the remains of the product into a tiny jar or box with a lid, and continue to reuse the product.

Find a way to try out the product before you buy it, so you know you are not spending money on something you will not use. You may be able to try the product at the store (another reason to shop at Ulta) to see if you like it. Or maybe your bestie has the product already and you could give it a try next time you are together. If you love makeup, chances are good you have lots of makeup you hardly ever use stashed away somewhere. You know what I mean, right? Or do you frequently come home with new makeup that is literally half a shade different than something else you already have? Guilty here! I used to have a bad habit of buying new eyeshadows, using them a few times, and then throwing them in my eyeshadow graveyard under the sink.

Recycling makeup packaging can be kind to both your purse and the planet. These brands have set up schemes that reward you with freebies if you return their product packaging: One of the most well-known makeup recycling schemes is Back to Mac. Return six primary packaging containers to a Mac counter and you’ll get a free lipstick of your choice. The packaging can be pretty much anything (e.g. empty blusher pots or foundation bottles) but they have to be primary packaging. This means that things like paper boxes and cellophane wrappers aren’t included in the scheme.

I save money on makeup and toiletries by finding coupons for items during sales. In fact, I don’t use many items, like toothpaste, unless I can get them for free. When you see a great bargain by combining discount grocery coupons with sales, stock up so that you have enough for several months until the next opportunity. Sign up for email updates for your favorite brands to receive updates about sales, and scour weekly store circulars online to find out when your favorite products go on sale. I always have a stockpile of samples sitting under my counter. I make sure to bring home the toiletries from hotels, get free product samples whenever I go to festivals or other public events with vendors, and ask for samples from makeup counters. Even drugstore makeup counters have samples available upon request. You can stockpile free makeup and toiletries by collecting samples and you can also try products before buying. See even more information on