The climb of an investment expert : Farrukh Kazmi

The upsurge of an investment professional : Farrukh Kazmi? We offer a wide range of financial services to individuals and business owners. We believe you will be better able to identify your goals and make sound decisions to help reach them by A&S providing our financial information. Please call us if you have any questions about our firm or the range of Investment services we provide. Our firm has a relationship with a variety of financial services companies, so if we don’t have a product or service, we know a group that does.

Example of a Forex Trade: The EUR/USD rate represents the number of US Dollars one Euro can purchase. If you believe that the Euro will increase in value against the US Dollar, you will buy Euros with US Dollars. If the exchange rate rises, you will sell the Euros back, making a profit. Think of this as a sexy new version of a stock, where the underlying thesis is the idea of decentralized ownership and value. For any other currencies in the market it is debt-based and backed by the respective monetary authorities. This also means that they are free to increase or decrease the supply to implement their policies on the market. For cryptocurrencies, they are limited in supply, hence the free market is completely at play here (demand and supply).

Farrukh Kazmi is the founder of A&S Asset Management, I am committed to helping people achieve financial freedom by bringing Wall Street experience to the local investor.

One of the many benefits of working with A&S Asset Management is our ability to provide clear, easily understood explanations of financial markets, financial ideas, and where you fit within them. The personalized program that we can provide is a road map to working toward a more secure financial future.

Perhaps you just had a baby and want to ensure their future in case the worst happens. Many parents seek help for college savings for children and setting up estates that can convey wealth to future generations. The approach to investing at or during retirement is different than that of a young worker. As you near retirement your risk tolerance level will change, and your style of investing should change as well. Perhaps your company is offering a too-good-to-resist early-retirement package, and you want to make sure the money lasts.

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a collection of securities—such as stocks—that tracks an underlying index. The best-known example is the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), which tracks the S&P 500 Index. ETFs can contain many types of investments, including stocks, commodities, bonds, or a mixture of investment types. An exchange-traded fund is a marketable security, meaning it has an associated price that allows it to be easily bought and sold. An ETF is called an exchange-traded fund since it’s traded on an exchange just like stocks. The price of an ETF’s shares will change throughout the trading day as the shares are bought and sold on the market. This is unlike mutual funds, which are not traded on an exchange, and trade only once per day after the markets close.

All of our brokerage accounts are held and available for viewing at National Financial Services, a Fidelity Investments Company. Registered Representative of and securities offered through Berthel Fisher & Company Financial Services, Inc. (BFCFS). Member FINRA/SIPC. A&S Asset Management and BFCFS are independent entities. Find additional details on Farrukh Kazmi.